
  • 姓名:吕晓晨
  • 性别:
  • 职称:讲师
  • 硕、博导:硕导
  • 学科领域:作物栽培学与耕作学
  • 研究方向:大豆共生固氮与高产栽培
  • 办公地点:农学楼520
  • 办公电话:0451-55190134
  • 电子邮件:xiaochenlyu@neau.edu.cn



2009.09-2012.07哈尔滨工业大学附属中学 高中;

2012.09-2016.07东北农业大学 农学专业 本科;

2016.09-2021.07东北农业大学 作物栽培学与耕作学专业 博士 (硕博连读);

2021.08-2023.09东北农业大学 农业工程博士后流动站 全脱产博士后 ;


2023.09-至今 东北农业大学 爱游戏官方网站 讲师;









[1]Lyu Xiaochen, Wang Xuelai, Li Sha, Yan Chao, Ma Chunmei, Zhao Shuhong, Gong Zhenping. Responses of metabolic pathways in soybean nodules and roots to long-term indirect nitrogen supply by dual-root system.Plant and Soil, 2024. (中科院二区TOP IF=4.9)

[2]Lyu Xiaochen, Sun Chunyan, Lin Tao, Wang Xuelai, Li Sha, Zhao Shuhong, Gong Zhenping, Wei Ziwei, Yan Chao, Ma Chunmei. Systemic regulation of soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation by nitrogen via isoflavones.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:968496. (中科院二区TOPIF=5.6)

[3]Lyu Xiaochen, Sun Chunyan, Zhang Jin, Wang Chang, Zhao Shuhong, Ma Chunmei, Li Sha, Li Hongyu, Gong Zhenping, Yan Chao. Integrated proteomics and metabolomics analysis of nitrogen system regulation on soybean plant nodulation and nitrogen fixation.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(5), 2545. (中科院二区TOP IF=5.6)

[4]Lyu Xiaochen, Li Ming, Li Xin, Li Sha,Yan Chao, Ma Chunmei, Gong Zhenping. Assessing the systematic effects of the concentration of nitrogen supplied to dual-root systems of soybean plants on nodulation and nitrogen fixation.Agronomy-Basel, 2020, 10(6), 763. (中科院二区IF=3.7)

[5]Lyu Xiaochen, Xia Xuan, Wang Cong, Ma Chunmei, Dong Shoukun, Gong Zhenping. Effects of changes in applied nitrogen concentrations on nodulation, nitrogen fixation and nitrogen accumulation during the soybean growth period.Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2019, 65(5): 479-489. (中科院三区IF=2.0)

[6]Li Sha,Lyu Xiaochen, Wang Xuelai, Zhao Shuhong, Ma Chunmei, Yan Chao, Gong Zhenping. Assimilation of Nitrate into Asparagine for Transport in Soybeans.Agronomy-Basel,2023, 12(11):2767. (中科院二区IF=3.7)

[7]Wang Chang,Chen Yu,Cui Can,Shan Fuxin,Zhang Rui,Lyu Xiaochen,Lyu Lin,Chang Hanwen,Yan Chao,Ma Chunmei. Blue Light Regulates Cell Wall Structure and Carbohydrate Metabolism of Soybean Hypocotyl.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(2), 1017. (中科院二区TOP IF=5.6)

[8]Li Sha, Wu Chengbin, Liu Hao,Lyu Xiaochen, Xiao Fengsheng, Zhao Shuhong, Ma Chunmei, Yan Chao, Liu Zhilei, Li Hongyu, Wang Xuelai and Gong Zhenping. Systemic regulation of nodule structure and assimilated carbon distribution by nitrate in soybean.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1101074. (中科院二区TOP IF=5.6)

[9]Li Hongyu,Xu Letian,Li Jiaxin,Lyu Xiaochen,Li Sha,Wang Chang,Wang Xuelai,Ma Chunmei,Yan Chao. Multi-omics analysis of the regulatory effects of low-phosphorus stress on phosphorus transport in soybean roots.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 992036.. (中科院二区TOP IF=5.6)

[10]Li Sha, Xiao Fengsheng, Yang Daocheng,Lyu Xiaochen, Ma Chunmei, Dong Shoukun, Yan Chao, Gong Zhenping. Nitrate transport and distribution in soybean plants with dual-root systems.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021,12: 661054. (中科院二区TOP IF=5.6)

[11]Shan Fuxin,Zhang Rui,Zhang Jin,Wang Chang,Lyu Xiaochen,Xin Tianyu,Yan Chao,Dong Shoukun,Ma Chunmei,Gong Zhenping. Study on the Regulatory Effects of GA3 on Soybean Internode Elongation.Plants-Basel, 2021,10(8):1737(中科院二区IF=4.5)

[12]Li Hongyu,Wang Xiangxiang,Liang Quanxi,Lyu Xiaochen,Li Sha,Gong Zhenping,Dong Shoukun,Yan Chao,Ma Chunmei.Regulation of Phosphorus Supply on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Soybean Plants with Dual-Root Systems.Agronomy-Basel, 2021, 11(11), 2354. (中科院二区IF=3.7)

[13]Zhang Rui, Wang Cong, Teng Wenzhi, Wang Jing,Lyu Xiaochen, Dong Shoukun, Kang Shuang, Gong Zhenping, Ma Chunmei. Accumulation and distribution of fertilizer nitrogen and nodule-fixed nitrogen in soybeans with dual root systems[J]. Agronomy-Basel, 2020, 10(3), 397. (中科院二区IF=3.7)

[14]马春梅,王晶,夏玄,王畅,吕晓晨(申请者),李莎,程娟,龚振平.基于15N示踪法的双根大豆系统氮素吸收和分配特性研究[J].植物营养与肥料学报, 2019, 25(11): 1909-1919.(IF=2.3)





1.连作玉米覆秸宽窄行除草剂减施栽培技术规程(排名第3),2022.12.29,省级地方标准,DB23/T 3394—2022

2.大豆大垄覆秸栽培减施除草剂技术规程(排名第4),2022.07.07,省级地方标准,DB23/T 3253—2022

3.大豆玉米轮作大垄少免耕栽培技术规程(排名第5),2022.12.29,省级地方标准,DB23/T 3393—2022